Composer Notes

When I was growing up, attending a Baptist church in Upstate New York, I learned a lot of verses. It was a big part of Sunday school, I had to memorize them for various challenges in Vacation Bible School, and so on. In addition to that, I accepted Christ as my savior when I was about seven years old. Leaders in the church tend to smile at that, but also... question it. For someone so young, they want to know if they really understand what they’re saying, really know what it means to be born again, saved, etc.

My response was this verse.

There are several great passages in Romans (and elsewhere, of course) that outline salvation (several of which are in this same chapter), but if I had to pick a single Bible verse that quickly and clearly explains salvation, it would be this one. Call on Jesus, and be saved.

That said, I wanted this track to really sound like a powerful “call.” An epic shout that then echoes, and builds, and grows in power... because that’s what can happen in a Christian’s life. The call can change everything, lives are changed, and one is never the same again. And when you walk with the Lord, your life too can grow in power, confidence, peace, strength, and beyond. (That’s been my experience, and if you’d like to know more, I’d be happy to talk about it.)

In terms of instruments, I thought this would be a great opportunity to incorporate a shofar. The instrument is fashioned from a ram’s horn, and (as a result) comes in all shapes and sizes. A truly ancient tool, the shofar was used in Bible times, and has various calls and “shouts” that it can make, signifying various messages to the armies, townsfolk, and so on. I thought it would be a lot of fun to interweave the ancient aspect of the shofar with modern day electronics; powerful fusion, but still respectful.

~ Christopher "Mazedude" Getman

Track in Development

The composition to coincide with this Bible verse is still in development; once a work-in-progress is ready, a sample will be made available on this page.
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Sheet music flourish 2

Example album cover: Foundation

From the Album Foundation

The above verse is a selection from the first release of The Words and Verses Project, which is currently in development. It is entitled “Words and Verses: Foundation.” Not only is it the first collection of works in the project, but the goal is that over the course of twelve compositions, multiple core foundational verses will be explored, setting the stage for future albums and themes.

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The Original Twelve

This list is subject to change, but the tentative list of verses selected for Foundation is as follows:

Previews of the music will be made available on this website in the near future.

If you'd like, you may request a verse for a (potential) future album!

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